Help us to protect our threatened birds
Consultation has concluded
TasNetworks cares about the environment and our iconic Tasmanian wildlife. While we are working hard to minimise risks that our overhead poles and wires pose to birds of prey, each year a number are injured or electrocuted when they fly into power lines or perch on power poles near live electrical equipment.
Because our lines are often in remote hard to reach places, we don’t know the true extent of the problem.
The hot-spots for Wedge-tailed Eagle collisions include:
- Agricultural areas of the upper and lower Midlands;
- The Derwent Valley
- Agricultural areas on North-East and East Coast and;
- Agricultural areas of the inland North-West
How can you help?
Record your threatened bird sightings on the map below or fill out our survey to help us get a better understanding of which areas of our network are high-risk for large birds of prey and may require mitigation. The map is for sightings only.
Learn more about these amazing animals and check out our Bird Identification Guide.
If you're aware of an incident involving the injury or death of a threatened species involving our network, please call us on 132 004 immediately, in addition to completing our wildlife incident form. Threatened species include Wedge-tailed eagles, White-bellied sea eagles and grey goshawks.
Record your threatened bird species observations
To help these birds we need to find out how many there are in Tasmania and where they are located.
How to register your threatened bird observation
- Click on the magnifying glass on the map and enter the address where the bird was sighted.
- Alternatively, zoom in to the section of the map where you want to pin a threatened bird observation.
- Select the appropriate pin by clicking on the
button and drag it onto the map
- Upload an image if available
- Answer a couple of questions about your observation!