Our engagement framework - now published!

5 December 2024

We released our draft engagement framework for public consultation from 27 September to 7 October. During this time, 180 people accessed this site to read the framework, learn more about it and to share feedback.

The input we received has given us valuable insight into what matters most to you and what you value and expect when engaging with us. As a result, we now have an engagement framework that brings us a step closer to achieving our engagement vision: for customer and stakeholder needs to genuinely shape our decision making.

View our engagement framework (.PDF)
View the draft engagement framework consultation summary (.PDF)

Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts, time and experiences with us to help shape our final engagement framework. We appreciate your interest and openness and look forward to working with you again soon.

27 September 2024

Seeking your feedback on our draft engagement framework

We believe that better engagement leads to better decision-making, and better outcomes for our customers, stakeholders and our business.

Our engagement framework has been developed to help enhance our approach to engaging with you - our customers and stakeholders. It aims to promote a consistent and measurable approach to engagement across our business, so that your needs are genuinely shaping our decision making.

The draft framework has been informed by industry best practice, with direct input from our previous engagement group members and insights gathered from our most recent Revenue Reset engagement program.

We're seeking your feedback on the draft framework.

To provide your feedback:

1. Review a copy of the draft framework

2. Once you've reviewed the draft framework, please provide your feedback via the online form below.

You can provide feedback until 9am Monday 14 October 2024.


It’s important that anyone who wants to provide feedback has the opportunity to do so. We are committed to providing support and resources to remove barriers that may prevent or hinder participation. If you require any support to review the draft framework or provide feedback, please email TasNetworks' Strategic Engagement Team at engage@tasnetworks.com.au.

Questions can be directed to our Strategic Engagement Team via email at engage@tasnetworks.com.au.

5 December 2024

We released our draft engagement framework for public consultation from 27 September to 7 October. During this time, 180 people accessed this site to read the framework, learn more about it and to share feedback.

The input we received has given us valuable insight into what matters most to you and what you value and expect when engaging with us. As a result, we now have an engagement framework that brings us a step closer to achieving our engagement vision: for customer and stakeholder needs to genuinely shape our decision making.

View our engagement framework (.PDF)
View the draft engagement framework consultation summary (.PDF)

Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts, time and experiences with us to help shape our final engagement framework. We appreciate your interest and openness and look forward to working with you again soon.

27 September 2024

Seeking your feedback on our draft engagement framework

We believe that better engagement leads to better decision-making, and better outcomes for our customers, stakeholders and our business.

Our engagement framework has been developed to help enhance our approach to engaging with you - our customers and stakeholders. It aims to promote a consistent and measurable approach to engagement across our business, so that your needs are genuinely shaping our decision making.

The draft framework has been informed by industry best practice, with direct input from our previous engagement group members and insights gathered from our most recent Revenue Reset engagement program.

We're seeking your feedback on the draft framework.

To provide your feedback:

1. Review a copy of the draft framework

2. Once you've reviewed the draft framework, please provide your feedback via the online form below.

You can provide feedback until 9am Monday 14 October 2024.


It’s important that anyone who wants to provide feedback has the opportunity to do so. We are committed to providing support and resources to remove barriers that may prevent or hinder participation. If you require any support to review the draft framework or provide feedback, please email TasNetworks' Strategic Engagement Team at engage@tasnetworks.com.au.

Questions can be directed to our Strategic Engagement Team via email at engage@tasnetworks.com.au.

Page last updated: 05 Dec 2024, 03:48 PM