November workshop marks the half-way point

In mid-November, TasNetworks’ welcomed back the PRWG members for the last workshop of 2021. This also marked the half-way point in the PRWG engagement journey in relation to the 2024-29 regulatory control period, between engagement commencing in June 2020 and the point at which TasNetworks will submit its proposal for 2024-29 to the Australian Energy Regulator.
The workshop explored network tariff options that would reflect the value of network connection for an embedded network, this being a capacity charge as preferred by the PRWG at the previous workshop.
This session also looked at revisions for two existing network tariffs: the small business time of use network tariff and the residential demand DER network tariff.
Members provided valuable input into the development and refinement of our pricing strategy for 2024-29.
In regards to the embedded network discussion, overall there was general support of the concept of a capacity-based charge as part of a network tariff designed specifically for embedded networks.
Looking at revisions to the existing small business time of use network tariff, members indicated a preference for the removal of the weekend shoulder period and the reduction of the peak period on weekdays. This was followed closely by a second option which mirrored the same weekday time of use periods but retained the weekend shoulder period although with a slight reduction in its length.
When discussing the residential demand based DER network tariff, the group was supportive of extending the evening peak out of the four alternatives presented by TasNetworks.
Next steps
We will continue to explore the design of an embedded network tariff and the revisions identified to some of TasNetworks’ existing network tariffs. We will continue the discussion at the next workshop, scheduled for early April 2022
Consultation has concluded