July workshop focusses on future-ready pricing

In early July, TasNetworks held a workshop with our PRWG members to discuss how to best prepare network pricing for the changing needs and expectations of Tasmanian customers. TasNetworks demonstrated trends we are seeing the network, before then discussing how to adapt network pricing to facilitating increasing levels of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) technology, such as solar PV, battery storage and electric vehicles. Part of this discussion included a focus on our network tariff assignment policy and options for tariff trials in 2024-29. We also began a discussion on the need to develop and introduce a purpose-designed embedded network tariff.
Our PRWG members provided valuable guidance on how to best prepare our network pricing for the continued uptake of new technologies. The group discussed a preference to make flat rate tariff structures obsolete, via certain triggers and with customer protections in place. This approach ensures that we aligned with our pricing principles, which aim to provide simple and fair pricing to customers.
The group also designed a set of guiding principles in the development and implementation of tariff trials. The group supported trials that are transparent, Tasmanian-focussed and rewards customers for efficient network utilisation. Members also provided suggestions for trials TasNetworks could explore, including export charging, community batteries and an electric vehicle pricing options.
Members also began a discussion around a purpose-designed embedded network tariff. Although this discussion is still in its early stages, the group indicated a preference for TasNetworks to explore capacity based tariff structures that allow for flexibility within an embedded network tariff. Read more about the July workshop outcomes.
Next Steps
A number of great results came out of the last workshop. We will continue to explore how TasNetworks can prepare for changing customer expectations with the continued growth of new technology. The next workshop is scheduled for November 2021.
Consultation has concluded