How to Talk with TasNetworks

Welcome to Talk with TasNetworks! We are committed to engaging in a meaningful way for our stakeholders and business by embedding engagement in everything we do.

Talk with TasNetworks is our digital engagement hub, designed to give our customers a convenient platform to share thoughts, feedback and stories on a range of current and developing projects. By offering a suite of unique engagement tools, we hope you can find your voice and make an impact on issues affecting you, shaping projects together and powering a bright future.

This short video provides a quick overview of Talk with TasNetworks, highlighting some of the interesting ways you can engage in projects.

If you'd rather skip the video, here are some points to remember:

  • Every project has various ‘engagement tools’ which are your opportunity to make your mark:
    • Post ideas on a collective board and vote on those that inspire.
    • Share your stories so we can better empathise with your community and the issues that matter to you.
    • Pin important places directly on a map and, if possible, add photos and information to help us understand areas of concern to you.
    • Fill in quick polls and surveys to have your say in a guided way.
    • Forums, questions and guestbooks provide spaces for discussion and comments.
  • Make sure you register to have your say.
  • The home page is updated regularly with the latest engagement opportunities and featured projects.
  • Look for the ‘stay informed’ widget on some pages to receive project-specific newsletters.
  • Use the search function to find archived projects.
  • Looking for outage information? Need to report a power outage?

Welcome to Talk with TasNetworks! We are committed to engaging in a meaningful way for our stakeholders and business by embedding engagement in everything we do.

Talk with TasNetworks is our digital engagement hub, designed to give our customers a convenient platform to share thoughts, feedback and stories on a range of current and developing projects. By offering a suite of unique engagement tools, we hope you can find your voice and make an impact on issues affecting you, shaping projects together and powering a bright future.

This short video provides a quick overview of Talk with TasNetworks, highlighting some of the interesting ways you can engage in projects.

If you'd rather skip the video, here are some points to remember:

  • Every project has various ‘engagement tools’ which are your opportunity to make your mark:
    • Post ideas on a collective board and vote on those that inspire.
    • Share your stories so we can better empathise with your community and the issues that matter to you.
    • Pin important places directly on a map and, if possible, add photos and information to help us understand areas of concern to you.
    • Fill in quick polls and surveys to have your say in a guided way.
    • Forums, questions and guestbooks provide spaces for discussion and comments.
  • Make sure you register to have your say.
  • The home page is updated regularly with the latest engagement opportunities and featured projects.
  • Look for the ‘stay informed’ widget on some pages to receive project-specific newsletters.
  • Use the search function to find archived projects.
  • Looking for outage information? Need to report a power outage?

How was your visit?

Tell us about your experience with Talk with TasNetworks by submitting a comment below.

Alternatively, if you have any specific concerns or feedback about our people, infrastructure (poles, wires, towers and buildings), power outages or similar, please contact us via the most convenient method below:

Electrical faults and outages132 004
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
General enquiries1300 137 008
Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm
Switchboard1300 127 777
Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm
Customer feedback1800 060 399
Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm


You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved

We had a veritable Army of workers replace a power pole on our block yesterday.VERY well organised-great team work-highly skilled & efficient with a big job on a 32 deg day!One pole in & the old one out-extremely careful with the garden.Big thanks to “ Dar” ? from Cambridge and “ Gad” from New Norfolk-power back on in no time.Many thanks

Miss Jayne about 1 year ago

Concerned two trees opposite 425 Safety Cove Road have grown so tall and out of balance that they will bring down power lines.Suggest removal

Rex77 over 1 year ago

Hi guys I live at Little Swanport and I’m very concerned about the increasing brownout we have been experiencing we have been told how bad they are for your electrical appliances and we also wonder if they are accounted into our bill as of lately we experience at least Teo of these a month. At the moment we have had not had Peter since 7 am this morning it is now 8 pm please explain I didn’t think I lived in a third world country

Tanis over 1 year ago

Seems a bit cumbersome

Angrymumma almost 2 years ago

I’m a little concerned about the amount of outages we’ve had here at Evandale, as we’ve had quite a few in the last few months alone

Lohrey64 almost 2 years ago
Page last updated: 19 Jan 2024, 11:04 AM