How much does this Bright Sparks Program Cost?

    The program is a free service delivered by TasNetworks presenters.

    How many sessions does each class have & how long do they go for?

    There is only one session per grade, with supplementary learning materials available on our Bright Sparks webpage.

    We have two presentations depending on the class year.

    Kinder - Grade 2 we require a minimum  45 mins and for grades 3 - 6 we require a minimum of 1 hour.

    Are there resources available to continue learning after the session?

    We have a suite of resources available on our Bright Sparks webpage, included workbooks that are directly aligned to the school curriculum.

    How many students do you see each session?

    Our program is usually presented to each class & we prefer a maximum of 30 students, However we understand that due to scheduling issues, sometimes classes need to be combined. 

    We are more than happy to make arrangements for larger groups once a school is booked in. 

    Are there any activities we need to do prior to your visit?

    There is no prior learning required before our visit.

    How do I book a session?

    You can book a session by emailing brightsparks@tasnetworks.com.au