Maximum Number of UG Cables on TasNetworks' Service Poles - SIR 6.3.3
TasNetworks will allow consumer mains (dependant on cable size and location) up a TasNetworks’ Service pole if it meets the conditions as per section 6.3.3 of the Service & Installation Rules (SIR). This includes a maximum of two sets of consumer mains.
Section 6.3.3 of v8.2 SIR is not a change to the rules, these requirements have been in place for a number of years (reference v7 section 7.5.2).
The alternate options to consider when an additional connection is required are;
• Installation of Overhead Supply.
• Installation a Private Pole to allow connection of UG mains.
• Installation of a Turret at the base of the TasNetworks pole (at customers cost via negotiated connection application).
If you have reviewed the SIR and the above options are not possible please contact the Technical Advice line on 1300 300 545.
Also remember to submit your application prior to performing any works onsite. The applications require an assessment and will be declined if it does not meet our requirements which may cause unnecessary delays and additional costs.
** TasNetworks has a policy to limit the number of mains up poles as it minimises costs when replacing poles, safety risks and the possibility of damage to consumers mains **