Message from Aurora Energy
Aurora Energy has asked that TasNetworks share the following message on their behalf.
"Aurora Energy has continued to make progress on reducing the time to process EWRs over the past few weeks, and further improvements will be seen from August onwards as additional resources are brought onboard and receive training.
New connections will continue to be prioritised, however if ECs can encourage their clients to contact Aurora as soon as possible to confirm their consent for works to be performed, this will greatly reduce the processing times currently being experienced.
Average wait times for customers are generally between 10 and 30 mins, however this tends to be much shorter if they are able to contact Aurora prior to 9am.
Whilst we understand that ECs want to assist their customers to get through to Aurora more directly, please refer them to 1300 13 2003 and not provide customers with the EC line details as this results in delays for all ECs contacting Aurora.
From the Aurora Energy EWR team"