Interim Connection Arrangements to SIR v8.1

This has some impacts as our SIR is effective from 01/07/2022 and means there are some gaps which are not covered until the metering code of practice is also effective, namely;
• Main Switch Requirements
• Neutral Connection Requirements
• Installing into a Temporary Meter / Switchboard Position
TasNetworks has agreed to implement the Interim Connection Arrangements until such time as both documents come into effect. These are the same requirements that were detailed in SIR V7 however we recommend that you read the attached information to ensure you are familiar with these requirements.
** This information is to be used in addition to SIR v8.1 until such time as the Occupational Licensing (Electricity Consumption Metering Installation) Code of Practice comes into effect. It is the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor to ensure work completed meets all applicable rules, standards and legislative requirements **