TasNetworks Preferred Delivery Partner Model

TasNetworks will extend an expression of interest period of its two-stage procurement process for a preferred delivery partner for infrastructure services to support our Transmission and Distribution networks. The extension will officially commence from Monday 20 January 2025.

TasNetworks currently uses four main contractors to deliver the majority of these distribution overhead contracted services, with these contracts being in place since 2016.

With these contracts expiring at the end of this financial year, TasNetworks has developed a market strategy that incorporates current contractors’ feedback to structure an arrangement that will support scheduling, quality and safety in relation to planned work.

The contract will support the delivery of the regulated network Program of Work. All internally-delivered works and associated ancillary specialist support via suppliers remains unaffected.

TasNetworks has not tendered for a single delivery partner for the regulated program of work in this way in the past. It is a new approach, but still a standard and structured procurement process.

TasNetworks intends to maintain existing contracts for the following service groups that will continue to work in conjunction with us to deliver the internal Program of Works and Projects:

Easement and Vegetation Management

Design Services

Civil Services

Traffic Management

Engineering Services

Cable Jointing

Pole Hole and Crane Services

Surveying Services

Transmission and Substation Construction

Unregulated service will continue to be competitively procured in line with TasNetworks Supply Chain policy. There is no increase to the amount of work being moved from our internal workforce to external contractors – this tender is to contract out the same average volume of work in a more structured way that also achieves shared benefit for TasNetworks, the community, and our partner.

The tender mentions fault and emergency work. This is not because we are outsourcing this work, but so that the contractor knows it is an expectation of ours that in the event of a severe weather event, they may be required to support our efforts.

A review of the process has been completed, which rated with the proposed model as ‘High Confidence’, which is the highest rating.

The review noted that the procurement was originally under a tight timeline that was causing some industry concern. In response to this and the delay caused by the review we have extended the current contracts by 12 months and have developed a revised procurement timeline.

This model is about ensuring we get the best value for our customers.

The preferred Delivery Partner for infrastructure services will support our Transmission and Distribution networks. TasNetworks currently uses three main contractors to deliver the majority of these distribution overhead contracted services, with these contracts being in place since 2016.

It is important that we have the best partner to schedule and deliver our program of works safely and to a good quality.

The expression of interest period closes on Friday 14 February 2025. An online briefing for interested parties will be held on Friday 24 January 2025 via Microsoft Teams. To register your interest to attend the briefing please register via Tenderlink - Welcome to TasNetworks E-Tendering by COB Thursday 23 January 2025.

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