Updates to SIR - Diagram 4.2.1
4.2.1 Multiple Tenancy, Supply from OH Mains via TasNetworks Pole

We have received feedback that there is confusion around the interpretations of the diagram 4.2.1 Multiple Tenancy, Supply from OH Mains via TasNetworks Pole which shows two units as opposed to the three units shown in all other diagrams.
As per section 4.2 Multiple Tenancy (strata / Stratum) Arrangements, the main requirement to remember is that ALL multiple tenancy arrangements must have one main switchboard which must be located on Common Property. The different diagrams are there to show the connection options ie. OH vs UG.
This diagram will be updated in the upcoming release of SIR version 8.3.
** Please ensure you read all related text in the SIR that is associated with the diagrams. **
It is impossible to cover each and every scenario, associated wording will assist in providing the additional clarification required.