Who can apply to be a member of TasNetworks' engagement groups?

    Broadly speaking, members need to be:

    • over the age of 18 years
    • Tasmanian electricity users/customers, or
    • people who represent either a community, industry/business body or group.

    Please note, we are not currently recruiting for new members for our engagement groups. If this changes, we will advertise available positions through an expression of interest process.

    Do I need certain skills or qualifications to be a group member?

    Formal qualifications are welcome but aren't necessary to be a member of our groups. 

    It's beneficial if members have a basic understanding of the electricity industry and are able to constructively contribute as a member of a group.

    Are engagement group members paid?

    Yes, each group has a Terms of Reference for specific information on how we will pay members: 


    Are group members reimbursed for travel related expenses?

    Yes, each group's Terms of Reference has specific information on how we will reimburse members for travel expenses: 

    What is TasNetworks approach to stakeholder engagement


    What methods does TasNetworks use for engagement?

    TBAIn line with best practice engagement techniques, TasNetworks utilises the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) spectrum for public participation when designing engagement methods. This spectrum helps us to guide choices about the type of engagement undertaken so that it is “fit for purpose”.

    How can I contact you if I have more questions about TasNetworks' engagement groups?

    Please send any queries or comments you may have to engage@tasnetworks.com.au, or phone our engagement partners via the details below:

    • Angela Turner: 0417 382 352
    • Liz Marriott: 0419 119 701.