Assessing Aboriginal cultural heritage for NWTD

Cultural heritage assessments are one of the many tasks underway to better understand the impacts of the North West Transmission Developments. In January, an Aboriginal cultural heritage survey was conducted as part of the NWTD planning and approvals process. TasNetworks contracted registered Aboriginal Heritage Officers and qualified archaeologists from Cultural Heritage Management Australia (CHMA) to carry out the investigations.
The survey focussed on areas of known significance to the Tasmanian Aboriginal community, identified as a result of existing data, engagement with the Tasmanian Aboriginal community and as determined by the Aboriginal Heritage Officers. The survey looked at areas where towers are proposed to be located and assessed the likelihood of Aboriginal artefacts and significant landscape features within those locations. The survey involved hand excavation of sites and searching through the soil at specific depths to see if cultural heritage material was present in those areas.
These surveys are ongoing and will culminate in a report containing specific recommendations in order to avoid and mitigate impacts to Aboriginal heritage. The report will be provided to the Tasmanian Planning Commission to inform its decision making process and assessment against the project guidelines and in accordance with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975. Once complete, TasNetworks will also share the top-line findings of this study and other key technical studies with stakeholders and the community.