Delivering a Tasmanian electricity network ready to support Marinus Link and a clean energy future
Following the recent announcement by the Australian Government that Marinus Link will, in the first instance, proceed with one cable, TasNetworks has reviewed the scope of its 240km North West Transmission Developments (NWTD) project.
The project timing and staging has been revised to ensure the efficient and cost-effective delivery of the transmission network required for the first Marinus Link cable, while maintaining flexibility to deliver the network needed for a second Marinus Link cable.
TasNetworks CEO Seán Mc Goldrick said the recent decision provided certainty and confidence for the business as it progresses the NWTD.
“With this surety, both Marinus Link and the NWTD can proceed to a Final Investment Decision with the knowledge that Tasmanians will only pay their fair share for this nationally significant energy infrastructure,” he said.
“The project has been revised to deliver the NWTD across two stages, focusing on the delivery of Stage 1 until a final decision is taken on the second Marinus Link cable. This approach will see approximately 60 per cent of the proposed NWTD built in the first stage.”
The NWTD include new and upgraded overhead transmission lines that will link Cressy, Burnie, Sheffield, Staverton, Hampshire, and East Cam. The developments will increase the capacity and reliability of Tasmania’s electricity network and support Australia’s transition to a clean energy future.
Stage 1 will see construction commencing in 2025 on Palmerston-Sheffield-Heybridge and Stowport to Burnie to align with the first Marinus Link cable. Stage 2 will deliver the balance of the NWTD scope, which includes the section between Staverton to Burnie via Hampshire Hills, to align with the second Marinus Link cable.
Mr Mc Goldrick said TasNetworks is working closely with landholders and key stakeholders where there are any impacts as a result of the staged delivery approach.
“We are committed to working with landholders and the community to ensure they are well informed about the project as it progresses and the best possible outcomes are achieved for all.”