Head contractor update
The North West Transmission Developments project is close to reaching an important procurement milestone, with the team currently in negotiations with a preferred head contractor.
Engaging local Tasmanian businesses to assist in the delivery of the project is a key objective to sustain and support Tasmania’s economy. The head contractor will be required to plan for the engagement of Tasmanian businesses under their Tasmanian Industry Participation Plan, and report to TasNetworks on its implementation during the life of the project.
The tender documentation outlined specific requirements through a Tasmanian Industry Participation Plan to ensure that the head contractor will engage Tasmanian businesses.
The head contractor has been provided with the list of suppliers who have registered an expression of interest to be involved in the project, and will be required to take on management of the ICN portal for the project.
Now is a great time for businesses to update their listing to ensure all details are current. An invitation to a meet the head contractor event will be sent out in the next few months.
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