IAP2 Australasia’s Core Values Awards
TasNetworks achieved a Highly Commended award at the recent IAP2 Australasia’s Core Value Awards held in Brisbane. These awards recognise excellence in public participation and community engagement.
The award highlighted the development of a youth-centred, co-designed community benefits sharing program. At the core of its success are 15 highly passionate and talented 18 to 25 years old North West Tasmanians who came together across a number of months to collaborate and design the program. Their commitment led to an outcome that best represents the interests of the community of North West Tasmania and will deliver a lasting positive legacy for the region.
Thank you to everyone who was involved in this process, especially the youth panel members, community stakeholders and our engagement partner, RPS. We will continue to engage as we develop the key governance and administration arrangements. The program is scheduled to commence during the construction phase of the NWTD project.
For further information about the Community Benefits Sharing Program, please visit www.tasnetworks.com.au/nwtd-cbsp