Notified Corridor

TasNetworks has requested the Minister for Planning to proceed with the registering of a notified corridor for the proposed North West Transmission Developments (NWTD).
As part of the comprehensive approvals process, the NWTD are being assessed under the Major Infrastructure Development Approvals Act 1999 (MIDAA). Part of this assessment process requires the registering of what is called a ‘notified corridor’.
A ‘notified corridor’ is the linear corridor of land required to support delivery of major infrastructure at some time in the future.
The MIDAA process requires that a notified corridor must be in place before TasNetworks can submit a Development Application and Environmental Impact Statement. These are the key documents used to independently assess the NWTD project and make a decision about whether the project should be approved.
The notified corridor is made by the Minister for Planning at TasNetworks’ request. The main purpose of doing this is to facilitate submission of the application for assessment and to ensure any future developments do not prevent the project from going ahead while it progresses through the approvals phase which can take many months.
A Q&A brochure is available with further information relating to the notified corridor process.