Powering up local businesses and jobs in the north-west

TasNetworks’ once in a generation North West Transmission Developments (NWTD) has reached a key procurement milestone with three contractors selected to proceed to the next stage of the tendering process and submit a Request for Proposal (RFP). The selected contractors all have significant transmission project experience as well as offices and staff employed in Tasmania.
Project Director, Damian Vermey said TasNetworks is now looking to appoint a single Head Contractor that demonstrates strong capability, resources and experience to deliver the scope of works for the NWTD project.
“The creation of employment opportunities for Tasmanians and maximising spend in north-west Tasmania are high priorities for the project. The Tasmanian Government’s Buy Local Policy as well as TasNetworks’ procurement strategy ensures the contractors must demonstrate how they will be involving local businesses.”
“The manufacturing, construction and commissioning phase of the project will create significant local job opportunities and increased economic activity throughout the region bringing benefits to Tasmanians and Tasmanian businesses.”
“There will be need for specialist electrical workers, civil construction and engineering businesses, along with a wide range of services, including accommodation, catering, security, equipment hire, transport and storage – all of which local businesses will have the opportunity to bid for.”
“Now is the time for local suppliers to take action with the RFP opening on 28 June 2023 for a period of 16 weeks. Registered suppliers will be provided to the proponents as they prepare their tenders.”
For the opportunity to be involved in this transformational project, Tasmanian suppliers of goods and services are encouraged to register their interest to work on the North West Transmission Developments by signing up to the Industry Capability Network (ICN) portal.
The proposed North West Transmission Developments project includes 240km of new and upgraded transmission lines and other energy infrastructure that will increase the capacity of Tasmania’s electricity network. The project is presently in the Design and Approvals phase and is subject to a final investment decision currently scheduled for December 2024.