Wheels up for bike track thanks to upgrade

The trail, located in the Dial Range near Penguin, is extremely popular for those looking for an easy 40 to 50 minute quality ride. The upgrade was required to improve drainage so that the track could be used year-round.
Local contractor, Next Level Mountain Bike, was employed to carry out the repairs. The trail is predicted to attract up to 8,000 riders per year.
Damian Vermey, Project Director of TasNetworks' North West Transmission Developments said the team had been working with the Cradle Coast Mountain Bike Club to minimise potential impacts to those who use the track near the existing Mount Montgomery Reserve transmission easement during future transmission line construction.
"Through our discussions we also learnt about some of the more immediate needs of the mountain bike community including increasing access for riders during the winter months".
"TasNetworks is proud to support initiatives such as this which contribute to the health and wellbeing of the community of North-West Tasmania" Mr Vermey said.
Chris Fletcher, President of Cradle Coast Mountain Bike Club expressed the Club's appreciation for the timely funding.
"Without the assistance from TasNetworks, the Montgomery Loop Trail would almost certainly be closed again this winter. We are pleased that this trail is now open again for those riders looking for a quality, introductory track."
The proposed North West Transmission Developments project will increase the capacity of Tasmania's electricity network. As the project progresses, TasNetworks is committed to working closely with landholders and the community in order to achieve the best outcomes possible for all.