Category #Framework + Approach (call for submissions)   Show all

  • Framework + Approach (call for submissions)

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    The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is due to make its next revenue determination for TasNetworks' transmission and distribution networks in early 2024, covering the 2024-2029 regulatory period. However before TasNetworks can submit the Proposals that inform the revenue determination process, the AER has to define what services we are permitted to provide - as we are a regulated monopoly business. The AER does this through a document called a Framework and Approach paper (F&A paper).

    Our current F&A paper was finalised in July 2017, and much has changed within the electricity supply industry since then. One example includes that distribution network service providers, like TasNetworks, are no-longer responsible for providing meters (however they are still responsible for servicing existing meters until they are replaced by advanced meters).

    The AER is not obligated to issue a new F&A paper for every revenue determination it makes, however the pace of change within the energy sector makes it likely that the AER will at least update or amend TasNetworks’ F&A paper. With this in mind, TasNetworks has requested that the AER amend or replace the F&A paper applying to our networks for the 2024-29 regulatory period. We have proposed a number of additions and changes to the services in the F&A paper, which if adopted would enable us to:

    • Provide portable reliability batteries to our life support customers during planned outages
    • Repair a limited range of minor private asset defects which might be identified by TasNetworks crews when working to rectify unplanned network outages
    • Construct private electrical assets, such as private power poles, as a provider of last resort
    • Provide Stand-alone power systems (SAPS) to existing customers as a replacement for their network connection, in cases where it is beneficial for both the customer and TasNetworks to do so.

    Download and provide your feedback

    These changes are outlined in our submission to the AER, with the main submission available for download here and the cover letter here. We developed these changes in consultation with a range of our stakeholders, and based on the feedback we have received to-date, we believe they are supported by our stakeholders. The AER will also conduct its own public consultation process regarding the proposed changes. This will include calling for submissions on whether it's necessary to amend or replace the current F&A paper, followed by the release of a preliminary F&A paper for public comment.

    If you are interested we encourage you to download and read our proposed changes, and to make a submission to the AER. Submissions can be made until COB Tuesday, 30 November 2021. To make a submission and for more information about the AER’s consultation process, visit the AER website here.