AER Final Decision now available!

On 30 April 2024, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) released its Final Decision on our 2024-29 revenue proposal, confirming the maximum revenue we can recover from our customers to provide them with safe, clean, and reliable electricity for the next five years (1 July 2024 – 30 June 2029).

The Final Decision is available for download here on the AER's website, with details of our proposal available here.

This decision marks the last formal step in this multi-year regulatory process which requires us to detail how we intend to plan, build, operate and maintain our transmission and distribution networks across Tasmania. Our proposal has been underpinned by our most comprehensive engagement program to-date and has taken the collective effort of hundreds of customers, stakeholders and TasNetworks staff to refine and complete over more than three years.

TasNetworks would like to take this opportunity to thank those outside our business who have given many hours of their private and professional lives to contribute to the development of our proposal, and to champion the needs of our customers.

Next steps
With the new regulatory period starting 1 July, our staff have a busy few months ahead to manage changes in process, pricing and operations resulting from the AER’s Final Decision.
Our annual pricing proposal will be submitted to the Australian Energy Regulator on the 7th May 2024.
As some of the changes will directly affect customers and those in the energy supply chain, our people will also be busy developing activities and materials to communicate those changes. Keep an eye out via our official public channels for these updates.

How to get in touch with us
Phone: 1300 555 727

Categories: #AER Final Decision, #2024-29 Revenue Reset
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