Electrical Contractors responsibilities around Private Electrical Works
Important information that may affect you.....
Since Australian Energy Regulator (AER) Ring-fencing Guidelines were introduced, TasNetworks has been working to reduce the amount of private electrical works it undertakes to facilitate new connections and alterations.
Moving forward we will be taking a firmer, more consistent approach on this and will not perform any work past the Point Of Supply. The ‘Service & Installation Rules v8.1’ will see this position clearly outlined in Section 2. Responsibilities & Important Definitions.
Examples of private works that TasNetworks will no longer be completing include (but not limited to) new or existing second or subsequent private service spans or relocating existing private overhead service.
Electrical Contractors have a responsibility to ensure all private works are completed and compliant before TasNetworks attends. Failure to comply with this will result in TasNetworks being unable to complete the works.
Overhead powerline contractors information can be found on the CBOS website - Power line electrical contractors (cbos.tas.gov.au).