Welcome to TasNetworks 'Electrical Professionals Information Hub'

TasNetworks is working to improve how we deliver relevant information to the Electrical Community.

We have created this page to hold the correspondence that applies to the industry. This will include alerts, newsletters, show important dates, surveys etc.

It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and provide feedback on the information you receive and also let us know what topics you want to hear more about. The best way for us to improve what we do is with your help!

TasNetworks is working to improve how we deliver relevant information to the Electrical Community.

We have created this page to hold the correspondence that applies to the industry. This will include alerts, newsletters, show important dates, surveys etc.

It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and provide feedback on the information you receive and also let us know what topics you want to hear more about. The best way for us to improve what we do is with your help!

  • Changes to Connections Portal

    Some small changes have been made to the Connections Portal for both the Application & EWR process.


    Electrical Contractors will now be asked the below when submitting an application:

    I warrant the proposed connection is in accordance with the TasNetworks Service and Installation Rules and all relevant Australian Standards and Legislation.

    Remember, it is your responsibility to ensure you are familiar with the appropriate rules & legislative requirements.


    To help us improve the scheduling process and clarify how many site visits will be required, we are adding a few additional questions where a Tee-Up with TasNetworks is requested,

    • Do you require disconnection on one visit, and reconnection on a second visit?
    • Is the disconnect/reconnect required on different days?

    If you have any questions about these changes, please contact the 'Connection Services' team on 1300 137 008 and select option 2.

  • TasNetworks Authority to Access and Operate

    TasNetworks is now offering the Level 1 - Authority to Access & Level 2 - Authority to Operate as a combined Course.

    TasNetworks Authority to Access and Operate

    Training will be available in Mornington, Rocherlea and Devonport Depots.

    4-6 Hours

    $660 per person (includes turret access tools)

    6 CPD

    To check out available date and book online - please visit TasNetworks Contractors page on our Website

    For more information, please see the Course Outline here or email the TasNetworks Training Centre at training@tasnetworks.com.au.

  • *Update* Underground Consumer Mains on Council Land

    Full connection requirements are available in the Service & installation Rules.

    TasNetworks is working with councils on a solution to allow ‘Underground Consumer Mains’ to cross council land, to enable a connection up a TasNetworks Pole.

    TasNetworks is preparing a submission to the AER for a ringfencing wavier to allow TasNetworks to record private underground consumer mains on council land in BYDA to mitigate the current safety concerns and satisfy council requirements for these connections. Processes are still to be developed and implemented to support this change and these will be communicated to you once all processes and approvals have been finalised. TasNetworks and Councils are working together on a statewide consistent approach

    It is important to note, Electrical Contractors are still required to seek council approval prior to installing consumer mains across council land. TasNetworks will not progress these connections without sighting Council approval and evidence of Council approval will be required as part of the connection application process.

    The Service & Installation rules have not changed so ensure you are familiar with the full connections requirements in the Service & Installation Rules.

    6.5.2 UG Consumer Mains up TasNetworks Service Pole(External link) Customers must:

    a) Obtain approval in writing from their local council or authority to cross council or public land to attach Consumer Mains to a TasNetworks’ service pole. The Electrical Contractor must provide evidence of this approval. Customers’ Electrical Contractors must:

    a) Provide evidence to TasNetworks of approval from the local Council to cross council land to attach Consumer Mains to a TasNetworks’ service pole TasNetworks must:

    a) Not connect any Consumer Mains up poles to the distribution network if the requirements in and above are not met

  • TasNetworks Preferred Delivery Partner Model

    TasNetworks will extend an expression of interest period of its two-stage procurement process for a preferred delivery partner for infrastructure services to support our Transmission and Distribution networks. The extension will officially commence from Monday 20 January 2025.

    TasNetworks currently uses four main contractors to deliver the majority of these distribution overhead contracted services, with these contracts being in place since 2016.

    With these contracts expiring at the end of this financial year, TasNetworks has developed a market strategy that incorporates current contractors’ feedback to structure an arrangement that will support scheduling, quality and safety in relation to planned work.

    The contract will support the delivery of the regulated network Program of Work. All internally-delivered works and associated ancillary specialist support via suppliers remains unaffected.

    TasNetworks has not tendered for a single delivery partner for the regulated program of work in this way in the past. It is a new approach, but still a standard and structured procurement process.

    TasNetworks intends to maintain existing contracts for the following service groups that will continue to work in conjunction with us to deliver the internal Program of Works and Projects:

    Easement and Vegetation Management

    Design Services

    Civil Services

    Traffic Management

    Engineering Services

    Cable Jointing

    Pole Hole and Crane Services

    Surveying Services

    Transmission and Substation Construction

    Unregulated service will continue to be competitively procured in line with TasNetworks Supply Chain policy. There is no increase to the amount of work being moved from our internal workforce to external contractors – this tender is to contract out the same average volume of work in a more structured way that also achieves shared benefit for TasNetworks, the community, and our partner.

    The tender mentions fault and emergency work. This is not because we are outsourcing this work, but so that the contractor knows it is an expectation of ours that in the event of a severe weather event, they may be required to support our efforts.

    A review of the process has been completed, which rated with the proposed model as ‘High Confidence’, which is the highest rating.

    The review noted that the procurement was originally under a tight timeline that was causing some industry concern. In response to this and the delay caused by the review we have extended the current contracts by 12 months and have developed a revised procurement timeline.

    This model is about ensuring we get the best value for our customers.

    The preferred Delivery Partner for infrastructure services will support our Transmission and Distribution networks. TasNetworks currently uses three main contractors to deliver the majority of these distribution overhead contracted services, with these contracts being in place since 2016.

    It is important that we have the best partner to schedule and deliver our program of works safely and to a good quality. For additional information please see the Q&A's here

    The expression of interest period closes on Friday 14 February 2025. An online briefing for interested parties will be held on Friday 24 January 2025 via Microsoft Teams. To register your interest to attend the briefing please register via Tenderlink - Welcome to TasNetworks E-Tendering by COB Thursday 23 January 2025.

  • Private Underground Consumer Mains on Council Land

    A reminder of the requirements for connection of private underground consumer mains up TasNetworks Pole.

    As per the Service & Installation Rules it is the responsibility of the Customer to engage with the appropriate Councils and obtain approval for Private Underground Consumer Mains to cross council land. This is required for connections or upgrades to existing connections prior to commencing any work onsite.

    A TasNetworks connection application where private underground mains cross council land must include evidence of Council approval. This application should be submitted prior to any work commencing onsite to avoid unnecessary rework or additional costs.

    The Councils below have formally notified TasNetworks that they will NOT allow private underground consumer mains to cross their road reserve/ nature strip. TasNetworks cannot guarantee that other councils will allow these connections*.

    • Hobart City Council
    • Clarence City Council
    • Kingborough Council
    • Glenorchy City Council
    • Meander Valley Council
    • Launceston City Council
    • West Tamar Council
    • Dorset Council
    • Northern Midlands Council

    *This list is current at the time of publishing.

    If evidence of Council approval is not provided, TasNetworks will provide alternate connection options.

    Please refer to the Service & Installation Rules for full connection requirements but be aware of the clauses below.

    6.5.2 UG Consumer Mains up TasNetworks Service Pole Customers must:

    a) Obtain approval in writing from their local council or authority to cross council or public land to attach Consumer Mains to a TasNetworks’ service pole. The Electrical Contractor must provide evidence of this approval. Customers’ Electrical Contractors must:

    a) Provide evidence to TasNetworks of approval from the local Council to cross council land to attach Consumer Mains to a TasNetworks’ service pole TasNetworks must:

    a) Not connect any Consumer Mains up poles to the distribution network if the requirements in and above are not met

    If you have any queries, please contact the Technical Advice team on 1300 300 545.

  • Holiday Period Operations & Service Connections Scheduling for 2024

    A number of our teams are taking a well-earned break over the Christmas and New Year period.

    Technical Advice Team - will be unavailable from 19/12/24 returning 13/01/2025.

    Customer Service Centre, Market & Connections and Field operations teams will be operating with limited resources.

    Negotiated Applications Team - will be unavailable from 24/12/24 returning 2/01/2025.

    All other areas of the business will shut down from Tuesday 24th December 2024 and returning Thursday 2nd January 2025.

    Service Connections Resourcing for the remainder of 2024

    • North
      • Scheduling as normal.
    • North-West & South
      • New Connections will continue to be scheduled for this year.
      • Tee Ups and Coordinated work for this year is at capacity and will be scheduled for 2025.

  • Connections to Relocatable Structures

    TasNetworks is seeing an increase in requests for connection to relocatable buildings, tiny homes and containers (i.e. any structure that is not approved as a permanent dwelling / structure).

    Be aware that:

    • TasNetworks will not connect a service span directly to these structures.
    • Connection arrangements require a stand-alone main switchboard to be installed and any connection arrangements past this point must meet the requirements of the Australian Standards and Codes of Practice.

    The Service & Installation Rules will be updated to include this information in the next update (approx. late March 2025).

  • Electrical Professionals Satisfaction Survey: Update

    Thank you to everyone who participated in our inaugural Electrical Professionals Satisfaction Survey. This survey enables us to hear the voice of the industry, better understand how well we're delivering the services you and your clients need and any opportunities for improvement.

    The survey focused on basic connection services.

    What we heard:

    • 2 in every 3 electrical professionals state they are satisfied with TasNetworks' current services and performance
    • In fact, 1 in every 4 rank our performance as 10/10
    • The industry sees the professionalism of our staff; the technical advice and knowledge base we provide; and the ease of use of our systems as key strengths
    • Currently 2 in every 3 electrical professionals receive communications from us via email. A channel that mirrors the preference – with the majority indicated they would prefer to continue to receive communications via this channel
    • 1 in every 2 electrical professionals are satisfied with the EWR process.

    View the survey results snapshot here.

    What next?

    Your feedback has provided us with some areas to focus on, including:

    • The provision of clearer checklists and guidelines prior to completing paperwork
    • A streamlined documentation submission process
    • More frequent and collaborative reviews
    • Improved feedback loops
    • Optimising the timeliness of communications
    • Improving status and progress tracking
    • The ability to pre-fill repeating information and
    • Investigation of a mobile app version.

    We'll now work with our internal teams to review these specific requests and look to find efficiencies and ways to optimise the process for basic new connections and alterations. We commit to providing regular updates as we progress this work and as solutions are implemented.

    We greatly appreciate the honesty and openness of your feedback and look forward to rolling out the survey annually to monitor our ongoing performance and gauge change solutions.

  • Outcome of TasNetworks’ Enterprise Agreement vote

    TasNetworks has had an Enterprise Agreement offer successfully accepted by its workforce.

    The offer was accepted on the first vote by 459 votes to 440, with 98.3 per cent participation among eligible voters. The week-long voting period concluded on Wednesday 2 October.

    Most importantly for our customers - this outcome eliminates the risk of renewed industrial action in the near future affecting Tasmania’s electricity network.

    We recognise that the industrial action that did occur in late-August had a significant impact on customers, businesses and industries. In some cases, those consequences continued into the recent period of severe storm activity across Tasmania.

    We sincerely thank everyone for your patience and understanding during these challenging times. We recognise that our customers often bore the brunt and consequences of that disruption.

    From the start of the EA negotiations, TasNetworks has been determined to reach a deal that supports and rewards our people better than ever before, while protecting the future sustainability of our business and protecting Tasmanian customers, including businesses, on the issue of power prices. We’re pleased to have secured an outcome that achieves those objectives, while averting the risk of further industrial action on the Tasmanian power network you rely upon.

  • The 'Electrical Professionals Satisfaction Survey' has now closed

    Tasnetworks would like to thank everyone for their time and response to our recent Electrical Contractor Satisfaction Survey.

    We had a strong response rate which was fantastic to see.

    We would also like to congratulate Samuel D on being the lucky winner of the prize draw - a $250 gift card.

    Tasnetworks will now be looking to evaluate the feedback in order to better understand how we can look to optimise the services and processes we have in place to work with all our electrical stakeholders.

Page last updated: 27 Mar 2025, 10:56 AM