Welcome to TasNetworks 'Electrical Professionals Information Hub'

TasNetworks is working to improve how we deliver relevant information to the Electrical Community.

We have created this page to hold the correspondence that applies to the industry. This will include alerts, newsletters, show important dates, surveys etc.

It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and provide feedback on the information you receive and also let us know what topics you want to hear more about. The best way for us to improve what we do is with your help!

TasNetworks is working to improve how we deliver relevant information to the Electrical Community.

We have created this page to hold the correspondence that applies to the industry. This will include alerts, newsletters, show important dates, surveys etc.

It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and provide feedback on the information you receive and also let us know what topics you want to hear more about. The best way for us to improve what we do is with your help!

  • Message from Aurora Energy

    Aurora Energy has asked that TasNetworks share the following message on their behalf.

    "Aurora Energy has continued to make progress on reducing the time to process EWRs over the past few weeks, and further improvements will be seen from August onwards as additional resources are brought onboard and receive training.

    New connections will continue to be prioritised, however if ECs can encourage their clients to contact Aurora as soon as possible to confirm their consent for works to be performed, this will greatly reduce the processing times currently being experienced.

    Average wait times for customers are generally between 10 and 30 mins, however this tends to be much shorter if they are able to contact Aurora prior to 9am.

    Whilst we understand that ECs want to assist their customers to get through to Aurora more directly, please refer them to 1300 13 2003 and not provide customers with the EC line details as this results in delays for all ECs contacting Aurora.

    From the Aurora Energy EWR team"

  • **UPDATED** Service & Installation Rules - Version 8.3

    A new version of the Service and Installation Rules - Version 8.3 has been published to the TasNetworks Website.

    As only minor changes have been made to help provide clarity to the existing content - the effective date is 1 June, 2023.

    The Change Fact Sheet will help you to understand which sections the changes have been made.

  • Updates to SIR - Diagram 4.2.1

    4.2.1 Multiple Tenancy, Supply from OH Mains via TasNetworks Pole

    We have received feedback that there is confusion around the interpretations of the diagram 4.2.1 Multiple Tenancy, Supply from OH Mains via TasNetworks Pole which shows two units as opposed to the three units shown in all other diagrams.

    As per section 4.2 Multiple Tenancy (strata / Stratum) Arrangements, the main requirement to remember is that ALL multiple tenancy arrangements must have one main switchboard which must be located on Common Property. The different diagrams are there to show the connection options ie. OH vs UG.

    This diagram will be updated in the upcoming release of SIR version 8.3.

    ** Please ensure you read all related text in the SIR that is associated with the diagrams. **

    It is impossible to cover each and every scenario, associated wording will assist in providing the additional clarification required.

  • Maximum Number of UG Cables on TasNetworks' Service Poles - SIR 6.3.3

    TasNetworks will allow consumer mains (dependant on cable size and location) up a TasNetworks’ Service pole if it meets the conditions as per section 6.3.3 of the Service & Installation Rules (SIR). This includes a maximum of two sets of consumer mains.

    Section 6.3.3 of v8.2 SIR is not a change to the rules, these requirements have been in place for a number of years (reference v7 section 7.5.2).

    The alternate options to consider when an additional connection is required are;

    • Installation of Overhead Supply.

    • Installation a Private Pole to allow connection of UG mains.

    • Installation of a Turret at the base of the TasNetworks pole (at customers cost via negotiated connection application).

    If you have reviewed the SIR and the above options are not possible please contact the Technical Advice line on 1300 300 545.

    Also remember to submit your application prior to performing any works onsite. The applications require an assessment and will be declined if it does not meet our requirements which may cause unnecessary delays and additional costs.

    ** TasNetworks has a policy to limit the number of mains up poles as it minimises costs when replacing poles, safety risks and the possibility of damage to consumers mains **

  • UPDATED : Service and Installation Rules v8.2

    TasNetworks Service & Installation Rules v8.2 is effective from 1 July, 2022

    (Version 7 is no longer valid and has been removed from the website)

    After some feedback from the industry and TasNetworks staff, we have made a few minor changes which means the current version is now v8.2. Any references to v8.1 in previous communications will also apply to v8.2.

    Changes to SIR v8.2

    Appendix G added.

    To help further define Electrical Contractors Responsibilities around private works (ie. work that TasNetworks is not permitted to perform) we have added diagrams for various scenarios within 'Appendix G'.

    This will help to clarify what the responsibilities of TasNetworks and the Electrical Contractor are.

    Section 4.5 : Distribution Network Availability clarification and update of wording.

    Feedback from industry has seen the requirements revert back to the same wording as was in version 7 for;

    • 4.5.2 Requirement to Install a TasNetworks’ Service Pole.
    • 4.5.3 Requirement to Install Private Service Poles.

    Please ensure you are always referring to the current version of SIR. This is available via the TasNetworks Website.

    Distribution Network Charges

    Our distribution network charges have updated for the 22/23 financial year.

    These documents are all listed on the TasNetworks Website, the ‘2022-23 Ancillary Services - Fee Based Services Application and Price Guide’ being most relevant to EC’s and basic customer connections.

    Please make yourself familiar with these changes to fees (including Tee-Ups). One to make note of is the increase to ‘B14 & 15 : Crossover pole, underground supply, pole mounted fuse(s)’.

    Don’t hesitate to use the ‘tell us your ideas’ tab if you have any feedback in regards to these documents or you have topics you would like to hear more about.

  • Interim Connection Arrangements to SIR v8.1

    As you may or may not be aware the ‘Occupational Licensing (Electricity Consumption Metering Installation) Code of Practice’ which is to be published by the Department of Justice (DOJ) has not yet been finalised.

    This has some impacts as our SIR is effective from 01/07/2022 and means there are some gaps which are not covered until the metering code of practice is also effective, namely;

    • Main Switch Requirements

    • Neutral Connection Requirements

    • Installing into a Temporary Meter / Switchboard Position

    TasNetworks has agreed to implement the Interim Connection Arrangements until such time as both documents come into effect. These are the same requirements that were detailed in SIR V7 however we recommend that you read the attached information to ensure you are familiar with these requirements.

    ** This information is to be used in addition to SIR v8.1 until such time as the Occupational Licensing (Electricity Consumption Metering Installation) Code of Practice comes into effect. It is the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor to ensure work completed meets all applicable rules, standards and legislative requirements **

  • Service and Installation Rules (SIR) v8.1 : Change Fact Sheet

    TasNetworks SIR version 8.1 comes into effect 1 July, 2022.

    We have created the SIR v8.1 : Change Fact Sheet to remind you of some of the changes from the previous version of the SIR.

    It is important to remember that this change fact sheet does not replace the SIR and it is the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor to ensure work completed meets all applicable rules, standards and legislative requirements.

    Failure to meet these requirements will delay the connection process.

    The SIR is authorised when accessed via TasNetworks Website (External link). All copies of this document, including print and electronic, are uncontrolled. Reference to SIR version 7 will be removed from the TasNetworks website from 30th June, 2022.

  • Electrical Contractors responsibilities around Private Electrical Works

    Important information that may affect you.....

    Since Australian Energy Regulator (AER) Ring-fencing Guidelines were introduced, TasNetworks has been working to reduce the amount of private electrical works it undertakes to facilitate new connections and alterations.

    Moving forward we will be taking a firmer, more consistent approach on this and will not perform any work past the Point Of Supply. The ‘Service & Installation Rules v8.1’ will see this position clearly outlined in Section 2. Responsibilities & Important Definitions.

    Examples of private works that TasNetworks will no longer be completing include (but not limited to) new or existing second or subsequent private service spans or relocating existing private overhead service.

    Electrical Contractors have a responsibility to ensure all private works are completed and compliant before TasNetworks attends. Failure to comply with this will result in TasNetworks being unable to complete the works.

    Overhead powerline contractors information can be found on the CBOS website - Power line electrical contractors (cbos.tas.gov.au).

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  • Service and Installation Rules v8.1 - Effective 1 July, 2022

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    TasNetworks recently held a number of online forums to allow opportunity for the Industry to ask questions and provide feedback on the new Service and Installation Rules v8.1 that will be effective from 1 July, 2022.

    For those who couldn't attend or those who would like a refresher the presentation that was shown at the forums is available here (This presentation has been sent to all those who attended). We have also made available the video recording of one of the evenings so you can listen in and see what questions were asked.

    There is still some work happening in this space and additional FAQ's are being compiled which we will make available to you as soon as they have been finalised.

    The SIR is authorised when accessed via TasNetworks website. All copies of this document, including print and electronic, are uncontrolled.

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Page last updated: 27 Mar 2025, 10:56 AM