Welcome to TasNetworks 'Electrical Professionals Information Hub'
TasNetworks is working to improve how we deliver relevant information to the Electrical Community.
We have created this page to hold the correspondence that applies to the industry. This will include alerts, newsletters, show important dates, surveys etc.
It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and provide feedback on the information you receive and also let us know what topics you want to hear more about. The best way for us to improve what we do is with your help!
TasNetworks is working to improve how we deliver relevant information to the Electrical Community.
We have created this page to hold the correspondence that applies to the industry. This will include alerts, newsletters, show important dates, surveys etc.
It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and provide feedback on the information you receive and also let us know what topics you want to hear more about. The best way for us to improve what we do is with your help!
TasNetworks Industrial Action Outage Response
Industrial Action Update - 19 August 2024
TasNetworks CEO Sean McGoldrick, has written a formal letter to the Electrical Industry on how we are addressing the potential impacts to your business.
To read the letter 'Click Here'.
TasNetworks will continue to provide updates to the industry as we know more information.
*Notification of Potential Industrial Action*
You may be aware of recent media attention around upcoming Industrial Action that could impact the services TasNetworks provides.
We are currently working through how this might impact EWR related works – including customer connections and tee ups.
TasNetworks endeavours to minimise any disruption to these services as much as possible and commit to working with any impacted electrical contractors over the coming weeks
We will continue to provide updates to the industry as we know more.
Electrical Professionals Satisfaction Survey
TasNetworks is undertaking this survey to understand the current satisfaction levels of Tasmanian Electrical Professionals around basic connections and alterations works.
Your feedback will help us understand how well we are supporting the needs of the industry and allow us to consider potential ways to improve what we do into the future.
You will also go into the drawer to win a $250 gift card for completing the survey
The survey will be open from Monday 29th July 2024 until Friday 16th August 2024 and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Please note you cannot save the survey; all questions will require an answer to be submitted.
The winner of the $250 gift voucher will be drawn on 19 August 2024 and contacted via phone or email. ** terms & conditions apply **
Underground Consumer Mains on a TasNetworks Service Pole
As per the Service & Installation Rules it is the responsibility of the Customer to engage with the appropriate Councils and obtain approval for Underground Consumer Mains to cross council land for their connection and it is the Electrical Contractors responsibility to provide this evidence of approval to TasNetworks.
TasNetworks has received formal notification that several councils across the state will NOT allow underground consumer mains to cross their road reserve/ nature strip. This has meant that TasNetworks is now applying some additional validation steps to our processes to ensure that evidence of approval is received prior to completing the connection.
If you are asked to provide the evidence of this approval and you cannot produce documentation, your connection will not go ahead.
Please refer to the Service & Installation Rules for full connection requirements but be aware of the clauses below.
6.5.2 UG Consumer Mains up TasNetworks Service Pole Customers must:
a) Obtain approval in writing from their local council or authority to cross council or public land to attach Consumer Mains to a TasNetworks’ service pole. The Electrical Contractor must provide evidence of this approval. Customers’ Electrical Contractors must:
a) Provide evidence to TasNetworks of approval from the local Council to cross council land to attach Consumer Mains to a TasNetworks’ service pole TasNetworks must:
a) Not connect any Consumer Mains up poles to the distribution network if the requirements in and above are not met
If you have any queries, please contact the Technical Advice team on 1300 300 545.
2024-2025 Pricing Application Guides & Network Tariff Information Sheet available
TasNetworks updated pricing applications for 2024-2029 regulatory control period are available on pricing page of the TasNetworks website.
The page incudes both Distribution and Transmission pricing as well as fact sheets so please make sure you are familiar with these documents and requirements. The most common queries we get from the Electrical Industry come from the documents below.
2024-2029 Ancillary Services Guide - Fee Based Services Application & Price Guide
2024-2029 Ancillary Services Guide - Quoted Services Application Services
Please also find the Network Tariff Information Sheet which has been created to support the industries understanding of the recent Tariff changes and impacts to customers.
This should be read in conjunction with the Network tariff application guide for the 2024-2029 regulatory control period.
EWRs New Work Stage 'Awaiting Applicant Information'
A new work stage for EWRs 'Awaiting Applicant Information' has been added to the Connections Portal.
This will be used when we are waiting on the EC to provide further info, call us back etc.
TasNetworks will have attempted to contact you via phone or email to advise what we require before we place the EWR in this on-hold Status.
Changes to Overhead Consumer Mains Terminations into LVABC Fuse Boxes
TasNetworks has introduced a new 630A LVABC Fuse Box that has lugged terminations only. This replaces the 400A LVABC Fuse Box that had piercing terminations.
These Fuse boxes require the cables to the terminated using bi metal lugs, which replaces the insulation piercing fitting with a bolted connection. This lug must have a 12mm bolt hole and must be supplied by the electrical contractor.
TasNetworks Service & Installation rules will be updated in the next edition to reflect these changes.
If you have any questions in regard to this change, please contact the Technical Advice Team on 1300 300 545.
Basic Micro EG Connection - Technical Requirements
The TasNetworks Basic Micro EG Connection Technical Requirements outlines the standards for solar systems being connected to our network.
Maximum system capacities, Export Limits, phase balancing and inverter settings are all outlined in detail for 1, 2 and 3 phase sites.
The supporting document for TasNetworks technical requirements for solar connections can be found on the TasNetworks website 'Solar Connections' - relevant documents.
Changes to TasNetworks 100A Service Fuse Holder
TasNetworks is changing the supplier of the 100a service fuse holders.
The new fuse holder is a Sicame Australia product and will replace the 100A Michaud Fuse holder.
The difference in the new Sicame fuses compared to the Michaud
Sicame 100a Service Fuse Holder Fuse are;
- Cable entry is on the underside of the holder; drip loops are not required to be made.
- Shear-off IPC bolts are located at the end of the fuse holder for easier installation.
- The fuse holder is vented which will increase fuse life and installation reliability.
- IP rating is better than the existing fuse holder. An ID plate can be fitted with punch out numbers/letters that can be used to identify the customer’s house number.
- Fuse holder fits existing TasNetworks brackets, fuses, and operating sticks (fuse stick).
- Accepts cable sizes 6 – 95mm2
A review (change assessment) has been carried out which identified the need to update standards and develop guidance around which fuse holders are to be fitted with IDs.
Service Fuse Holders will be fitted with the optional yellow ID plate
Yellow Plate ID (SI 221762) in the following situations.
- Where a service connection comes off a pole and goes underground
- Where multiple service connections are fed from a single pole
The numbering system TasNetworks will use is:
- For numbers 100 and over - the last two digits of the customers address will be used.
- For units - the unit number will be used.
- For subdivided properties - where houses have the same street number (eg 1a / 1b) these will be identified by the letter.
** These new service fuses are being installed statewide so you will start to see them in the field **
Technical Advice Team - Easter Availability
The Technical Advice Team are taking a few extra days leave over the Easter Holiday period.
They will be unavailable from 29th March 2024 and will resume 8th April 2024.
You can still submit an online technical advice request via the Connections portal and the team will review these when they return.
TasNetworks wish you and your loved ones a fun and safe Easter break.
Follow Project
TasNetworks Basic Connection - Processing Times
Preferred Delivery Partner Q&As (134 KB) (pdf)
Online Tech Advice Request - Work Instructions (597 KB) (pdf)
EC satisfaction survey - One pager (201 KB) (pdf)
CEO Letter to Electrical Contractors - Industrial Action Update 19 August 2024.pdf (296 KB) (pdf)
Network Tariff Information Sheet - Electrical Professionals.pdf (158 KB) (pdf)
Tyree Kiosks (262 KB) (pdf)
Conductive service fuse holders - Updated 06/09/2023 (788 KB) (pdf)
Saddle Fit - Example (47.3 KB) (jpg)
Conductive service fuse holders - Inspection October 2023 (226 KB) (pdf)
SIR Version 8.4 - Change Fact Sheet (896 KB) (pdf)
SIR Version 8.3 - Change Fact Sheet (1.01 MB) (pdf)