Welcome to TasNetworks' 2024-2029 revenue reset

As a provider of electricity transmission and distribution network services in Tasmania, we are required to submit a regulatory proposal to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) every five years, detailing our proposed plans for planning, building, operating and maintaining Tasmania's electricity network and customer network charges. At the end of this process the AER releases a final determination outlining how much revenue we can recover in the new regulatory period, which starts on 1 July 2024 and runs until to 30 June 2029.

This highly regulated process exists to protect electricity customers by placing performance standards on network service providers (NSPs) like TasNetworks, and capping revenue they can earn based on expected cost forecasts developed for each regulatory period.

The development of each regulatory proposal requires a huge amount of work from multiple teams within TasNetworks, usually spanning several years. This work includes financial forecasting, asset planning, price and tariff modelling, reviews of existing services and policies, all underpinned by a comprehensive customer and stakeholder engagement program.

Ways you can get involved

Whether you're a TasNetworks' customer, a member of one of our advisory groups, an interested member of the community, or a representative of an industry body, we're keen to understand your thoughts and perspectives, and where possible, use your insights to help shape our proposal.

We encourage you to bookmark this site, as we'll be regularly sharing information about our proposal and associated activities. Whether it be an online survey, discussion paper, FAQs, or event notices - all these items will be posted here. For those of you who are keen to get more involved, you can register here, which will allow you to receive updates, as well as submit questions and participate in any online forums or polls we host.

In the meantime, please feel free to contact us via email (R24@tasnetworks.com.au) should you have any questions, and a member of our team will get back to you.

- TasNetworks R24 Engagement Team

As a provider of electricity transmission and distribution network services in Tasmania, we are required to submit a regulatory proposal to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) every five years, detailing our proposed plans for planning, building, operating and maintaining Tasmania's electricity network and customer network charges. At the end of this process the AER releases a final determination outlining how much revenue we can recover in the new regulatory period, which starts on 1 July 2024 and runs until to 30 June 2029.

This highly regulated process exists to protect electricity customers by placing performance standards on network service providers (NSPs) like TasNetworks, and capping revenue they can earn based on expected cost forecasts developed for each regulatory period.

The development of each regulatory proposal requires a huge amount of work from multiple teams within TasNetworks, usually spanning several years. This work includes financial forecasting, asset planning, price and tariff modelling, reviews of existing services and policies, all underpinned by a comprehensive customer and stakeholder engagement program.

Ways you can get involved

Whether you're a TasNetworks' customer, a member of one of our advisory groups, an interested member of the community, or a representative of an industry body, we're keen to understand your thoughts and perspectives, and where possible, use your insights to help shape our proposal.

We encourage you to bookmark this site, as we'll be regularly sharing information about our proposal and associated activities. Whether it be an online survey, discussion paper, FAQs, or event notices - all these items will be posted here. For those of you who are keen to get more involved, you can register here, which will allow you to receive updates, as well as submit questions and participate in any online forums or polls we host.

In the meantime, please feel free to contact us via email (R24@tasnetworks.com.au) should you have any questions, and a member of our team will get back to you.

- TasNetworks R24 Engagement Team

  • Draft Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy (call for submissions)

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    Our Draft Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for our 2024-29 Revenue Reset is now open for public consultation.

    In a first for TasNetworks, this Strategy has been developed with direct input from you, our customers and stakeholders. The engagement approach outlined in the Strategy is focused on gaining a deeper understanding of your interests, needs and motivations so that we can develop Proposals that balance your needs with those of the Australian Energy Regulator.

    We invite your feedback on the Strategy via a short online survey, available here. Alternatively, you can email your submission to R24@tasnetworks.com.au

    Feedback submissions close by 5pm on Monday 13th December 2021.

  • Successful first meeting for Reset Advisory Committee

    TasNetworks' newly established Reset Advisory Committee met for the first time on 20th October 2021.

    The RAC will play a key role in shaping TasNetworks’ plans for Tasmania’s energy future, and will complement the engagement program for our Proposals to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) for the 2024-29 regulatory period.

    With an introduction from CEO Dr Seán Mc Goldrick, meeting agenda items included:

    • An overview of TasNetworks in relation to the broader energy market and the organisation's 2030 Strategy
    • Discussion of the AER's draft Better Resets Handbook
    • Discussion of TasNetworks' draft Engagement Strategy for the R24 revenue reset.

    A copy of the meeting presentation is available for download here.

    The Committee will meet every six to eight weeks to help shape TasNetworks' Proposals to the AER, which will be submitted in November 2023.

    - R24 Engagement Team

  • Introducing our RAC members

    Introducing the members of the Reset Advisory Committee (RAC), our peak advisory group providing input into our Combined Proposal for the 2024-2029 regulatory control period.

    Councillor Bill Harvey
    RAC member / Co-Chair since: October 2021

    Bill has qualifications in Urban Studies, Education, Bushcare and Environmental Management and is a former educator. He spent a decade teaching English in China, Malaysia and at the University of Tasmania where he focused on education for sustainability.

    He is an experienced local government councillor and was first elected to the City of Hobart in 2007; and currently chairs the council’s sustainability portfolio. He is also an experienced board member and currently chairs Landcare Tasmania and sits on the board of the National Landcare Network.

    Bill is committed to Hobart becoming a national leader in environmental sustainability through leadership, innovation, good governance and policy. He was instrumental in Hobart becoming the first jurisdiction in Australia to introduce regulation banning a range of single-use plastics; an initiative that saw the removal up to 10 million items of single-use plastics from the waste stream yearly in the City of Hobart. He was also responsible for Hobart becoming the first capital city in Australia to declare a climate and biodiversity emergency on 17 June 2019.

    Bill is also committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and in 2019 founded the UN SDGs Network Tasmania, which aims to create a collective impact approach across public, private and not-for-profits sectors towards achieving positive outcomes underpinned by the UN SDGs.

    Dr Cynthia Townley
    RAC member since: October 2021

    Dr Cynthia Townley has been working in community sector policy and advocacy for ten years; in areas such as housing and homelessness policy, energy, and digital inclusion. Her expertise draws on a professional background in philosophy; with work including rights and inclusion for disadvantaged groups, professional and research ethics, and political philosophy.

    Cynthia has a sound understanding of social justice principles, as well as practical knowledge of how these apply to the everyday circumstances of energy consumers in Tasmania, especially regarding households earning low incomes.

    Dr Eleni Taylor-Wood
    RAC member since: October 2021

    Dr Eleni Taylor-Wood has over twenty years' experience in project management, sustainable infrastructure, environmental and social assessment, and management. Whilst Eleni’s initial career was focused on ecological assessment and management and the protection of cultural heritage, she focussed later on the sustainable development and operation of infrastructure (hydropower, renewable energy, transmission lines and roads) and water supply projects.

    Eleni has also been involved in training and capacity building. Eleni has worked across Tasmania, mainland Australia and Internationally (Pacific, South East Asia, South Asia, Africa, South America and Europe).

    John Pauley
    RAC member since: October 2021

    John has a Bachelor of agricultural economics and a Post Graduate Diploma in computing science. He has an extensive public policy background, having worked in the Tasmanian Government agencies of Premier and Cabinet, Treasury, Primary Industries, Transport and Infrastructure for three decades until his retirement in 2010.

    John is passionate about the financial and social wellbeing of older Tasmanians. He uses his knowledge and experience in economics, finance and business management to advocate for the interests of older Australians on key issues affecting their wellbeing. John also has a strong interest in good nutrition, being active and socially engaged as a means to maintaining personal health and wellbeing.

    In addition to his RAC membership, John also contributes to a wide range of organisations, including Chair of the COTA Tasmania Policy Council, board member of Health Consumers Tasmania, and President Australian Council of Public sector retiree Organisations (ACPRSRO) – among others.

    Leigh Darcy
    RAC member since: October 2021

    Leigh holds an Associate Diploma in electrical engineering and is the Principal Advisor of Energy and Strategy for Bell Bay Aluminium. He has over 30 years in the Aluminium Industry. His roles have focused on asset management in the form of planning, supervising, team leadership, management of capital projects and high voltage electrical assets for the smelter. Leigh also manages the energy contracts for the smelter, both from a commercial and operational aspect.

    In addition to his RAC membership, Leigh is also a non-executive Director for the Tasmanian Minerals, Manufacturing and Energy Council; and Chair of the Bell Bay Advanced Manufacturing Zone Limited.

    Richard Bevan
    RAC member since: October 2021

    Richard is a professional electrical engineer and company director experienced in the electricity, mining and building services consulting industries.

    In 1994, Richard was appointed Hydro Tasmania’s General Manager Network; and in 1998, was appointed inaugural CEO and Managing Director of Transend Networks, a position he held for twelve and a half years, until December 2010.

    Richard is a retired Chartered Professional Engineer and Fellow of both Engineers Australia and the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

    Richard is currently a director of Crisp Brothers & Haywards, chairman of the Clarence City Council Audit Panel, Commodore of The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania and chairman of the Tasmanian Regional Advisory Committee for Australian Sailing.

    Read more about the RAC and its activities, including access to their reports and meeting materials, here on their dedicated page.

  • TasNetworks joins forces for service classification engagement

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    TasNetworks has joined forces with fellow electricity distribution network service providers (DNSPs), Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy, Essential Energy, evoenergy and PowerWater (NT) to jointly engage on the classification of distribution services (service classification).

    What is service classification?
    Service classification refers to the types of services that DNSPs provide to their customers (like public lighting, metering, connections), and includes those services that are regulated by the Australian Energy Regulator. Like to know more? Visit the AER's website.

    Why engage on service classification?
    Understanding the perspectives of customers and stakeholders on this fundamental regulatory issue is critical to the successful development of revenue proposals for each of the above utilities, especially as customers anticipate the availability of emerging energy services to meet their needs as new technologies become available.

    How are we engaging?
    The engagement has been built around a joint consultation paper (available here), followed by an online forum on the 15 September to discuss the issues raised in the paper.

    Written responses on the consultation paper are welcome by COB 30 September 2021. Please refer to the Overview section at the front of the paper for details on how to make a submission.

    Please email R24@tasnetworks.com.au should you wish to attend the forum on the 15 September 2021.

  • EOI - Reset Advisory Committee member application now open!

    Expressions of Interest to Join TasNetworks' Reset Advisory Committee

    We invite applications from suitably qualified professionals to join our Reset Advisory Committee to support the successful development of our 2024-29 Regulatory Proposal to the Australian Energy Regulator.

    EOI criteria

    Applications will be assessed according to merit against the following criteria:

    • Preferably Tasmanian-based
    • Ability to provide expert advice about the future direction of Tasmania’s electricity network, and associated key drivers
    • Ability to consider how plans and initiatives will impact TasNetworks’ customers, stakeholders and the Tasmanian community
    • Desirable and relevant knowledge and experience in one or more of the following areas:
      • Energy
      • Utilities
      • Social Research
      • Future technologies
      • Economics
      • Sustainability
      • Governance and policy
      • Corporate strategy.
    • Capacity to participate in an ongoing basis (October 2021 to December 2023).

    For more information, including Member remuneration, please refer to the Committee's Terms of Reference, available for download here.

    Applications should include a cover letter addressing the above criteria and a short CV, and must be submitted by 5pm On Friday 10 September 2021 to:

    Liz Dimmlich
    Stakeholder Engagement Specialist (R24)

  • R24 gets underway with co-design workshop

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    Our next regulatory period starts on 1 July 2024, and will run until 30 June 2029. While this might seem a long way away, there is a huge amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to develop the draft Regulatory Proposal: financial forecasting, asset planning, price modelling, reviews of existing services and policies, and of course, customer and stakeholder engagement.

    Why engage?
    We're planning to engage with our customers and stakeholders at every step of our Proposal's development to ensure:

    • We understand their values and needs
    • That we're developing a Proposal that balances their needs with those of our Owners, the AER, and TasNetworks' overarching business strategy.

    Co-design workshop

    In July 2021, we held a workshop with representatives from our Customer Council and Policy and Regulatory Working Group (PRWG) to jointly identify the key components of our R24 Engagement Strategy. We also created an online survey to capture feedback from those who weren't able to attend in-person. The results of both the workshop and the survey are available to download here in this independent summary report (PDF). These insights will be incorporated into our draft R24 Engagement strategy, which we will also share for feedback in the coming month.

    We invite you to get in touch if you have any questions about the summary report.

Page last updated: 30 Apr 2024, 09:31 AM